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I founded Skinny Dip Fitness because movement should feel good! Your body craves it. It is refreshing, like plunging into a cool pool of water on a hot day. Skinny Dip Fitness is a lifestyle that embraces the balance of the mind/body/spirit and is all about moving from a place of awareness and intention. The principles of dance, yoga, GYROTONIC®, GYROKINESIS®, and Pilates teach you how to move from this place. These movement systems allow every body type to open energy pathways, stimulate the nervous system, increase range of motion, improve strength, and enhance movement efficiency so we can move through this beautiful gift of life with ease and grace! 


Everyone’s way of moving is as unique as their fingerprint. All of our individual life stories inspire the choices we take and movements we make. Embrace your body, embrace your story, embrace how those two elements shape and inspire the way you move. First comes awareness, then intention. For one to move with intention, you first must become present within yourself. Become aware of your breath, awaken your senses. Smell, touch, taste, see, and hear the sounds around you. Become present within your internal and external environment. Explore the space you take up in this world because YOU matter. Recognize your beauty, your gifts, your importance, and how meaningful and essential you are to this beautiful earth. You are love and light!     


Movement should feel good! Your body craves it. It is refreshing, like plunging into a cool pool of water on a hot day. Instead of dreading that workout or class that you have to give yourself a pep talk in order to attend and the aches and pains you may feel soon after doing it. Find the movement that excites you, feels good, and do it with intention! For some it is dance, Crossfit, running, yoga, Gyrotonic®, hiking, Pilates, spin, swimming - the options are endless! Your body wants to feel good and it has the tremendous ability to heal.  Learn to embrace and love the way YOU move. Recognizing the type of movement systems that “refresh” your body is the first step to positive and lasting change.


Skinny Dip Fitness is a holistic movement philosophy where diet, exercise, lifestyle, and spirituality are all equally important and balanced. When we execute a movement, or series of movements, it is not just one muscle or one body system that is working. It is your whole physical, mental, and energetic being that jumps into action.  Therefore addressing the entire person is necessary, not just a section of oneself. That is why I believe in the principals of dance, yoga, Gyrotonic®, Gyrokinesis®, and Pilates because they are all about moving from a place of awareness and intention.  They open up energy pathways, stimulate the nervous system, increase range of motion, improve strength, and enhance movement efficiency so we can move thru this beautiful life with ease and grace!

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Pilates is a method of exercise and physical movement designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance the body. Pilates is a non-impact, non weight-bearing system of physical conditioning that focuses on body placement and increasing body awareness.  This method aids in improved alignment, breathing, and increases efficiency of movement. Pilates slims the muscles and makes them longer, developing sleekness rather than bulk. It turns the abdomen and lower back into a firm, central support for a strong, supple, and graceful body.  



Yoga is an ancient practice that brings together the mind and body and has been around for more than 5,000 years. Yoga does more than burn calories and tone muscles. It is a total mind-body workout that combines strengthening and stretching poses with deep breathing exercises and meditation designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress. Incorporating yoga into your routine can help enhance your health, increase strength and flexibility and reduce symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety.



Skinny Dip Barre is a unique and complete body workout that utilizes traditional ballet barre exercises, classical Pilates, GYROKINESIS® inspired movements, cardio and weight training segments that seamlessly flow together to create a high-energy low/no impact workout.  This method is entirely based around stability of the “core” or “center” of the body and balanced joint mobility.  We live in a 3-dimensional world so why would we train in lateral, 2-dimensional planes of motion?  Moving the spine and body in more circular planes opens energy pathways and joints for greater ease of movement. This results in a more sculpted, long, lean, and toned body. 

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The Gyrotonic Method is an original and unique movement method that addresses the entire person by opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and improving strength and movement efficiency.  With Gyrotonic exercises, each movement flows into the next, allowing the joints to move through a natural range of motion without jarring or compression. These carefully crafted sequences create balance, efficiency, strength and flexibility.


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