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Postural distortion patterns have become a modern day epidemic in our society affecting the lives of millions of people. Sitting for longer than 4 hours per day, driving for long periods, working on computers and other devices all lead to poor postural habits that will inevitably wreak havoc on our bodies over time. Poor posture can cause back, neck, other muscle and joint problems, and accelerated development of a hyperkyphotic spine. 


Spine and Core Restore for the corporate setting utilizes GYROKINESIS® inspired exercises on a chair to stimulate and condition the muscles of the spine and core. Professional athletes and dancers strengthen their bodies to be able to perform at the highest capacity and to reduce their risk of injury.  Those of us who work in more sedentary environments must also think along this line. We must condition our bodies to sit properly for long periods at a time. By strengthening our core, opening up and conditioning the muscles that help support our spine, we can sit effortlessly upright and avoid the ailments that stem from hyperkyphosis. It is time to take serious action to strengthen your posture and improve your health! 

This 1-hour fusion class is a total mind-body workout that combines classical Pilates conditioning within a Vinyasa yoga flow to increase strength and flexibility and reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. This class aids in improved postural alignment, breathing, and increases efficiency of movement.  

Corporate Pilates / Yoga Fusion

Corporate Spine & Core Restore 


Are you a dancer who has always wanted to learn what it takes to become a Rockette?  In this 2-hour workshop you will learn Rockette jazz choreography as well as the world famous kick line. You will also learn some fun facts about the iconic Rockettes, Rockette technique, and audition preparation. 


This workshop is a 90-minute dance class that better prepares dancers for any audition experience.  Learn tricks of the trade that bring out your individual performance as an artist in a supportive and fun environment.  This class will provide all of the fundamentals and knowledge for a successful audition.   


This 1-hour workshop teaches dancers how to condition their bodies for performance and injury prevention.  Conditioning for dancers utilizes classical Pilates methodology and floor barre exercises to teach body awareness, anatomy, and how to initiate movement from a place of intention.  

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